RUNCREW is a super social running club committed to improving physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Whatever your fitness level they organise events that will make sure you enjoy running as part of a very supportive, fun and special community. Focusing on community over competition they believe that done in the right way fitness can be fun - not just something to be endured.
During their sessions they run as a CREW - they don't break down in to sub groups. and they have a team of volunteer CREW Chiefs who run at the front, middle and back of the pack. No one runs alone and they run and train to music played through portable speakers their CREW Chiefs carry.
The runs are broken in to shorter sections with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) or SIT (Stretch and Inactivity Time) stops at regular intervals. Faster runners will run Fartlek ("Speed Play") loop-backs to the back of the pack when they reach a stop. This keeps the group together and means that they can cater for a very wide range of running speeds.
The crew welcome holiday makers to their sessions in Truro and Falmouth. Click on the logo to be redirected to their website.